Face Cream with Cocoa Butter: 4 Reasons Why You Should Use One


Face Cream with Cocoa Butter: 4 Reasons Why You Should Use One

You may not yet be clear on the benefits of using a face cream with cocoa butter as part of your skin care routine. After all, it’s just another ingredient on your already lengthy list of must-have ingredients, right? Think again.

Adding a face cream with cocoa butter to your skincare regimen is beneficial for several reasons. This article discusses three important advantages of using such an item. If you’re still on the fence, keep reading to find out why you should use a face cream with cocoa butter in your everyday skin care routine.

Our Mineral Sunscreen contains cocoa butter and is completely natural and healthy for your skin.

It Makes Your Skin Soft and Smooth

One of the biggest benefits of using a face cream with cocoa butter is that it makes your skin soft and smooth – unlike almost any other natural ingredient out there. This is thanks to the high content of fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin e found in cocoa butter. These essential vitamins and minerals are necessary for the overall health of your skin, making this face cream not just nice-to-have but also a must-have for anyone that is craving softer, smoother, more nourished skin.

It Has Anti-Aging Properties

The same vitamins and minerals found in cocoa butter that make it great for your skin’s health also make it a wonderful anti aging ingredient.

Not only does it reduce the appearance of your fine lines, but it also prevents them from forming in the first place. Additionally, it can help prevent the appearance of dark spots, hyper-pigmentation, and wrinkles, making it a favorite amongst aging women the world over.

When you use a face cream with cocoa butter, it has the ability to smooth out your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. This is thanks to its high content of antioxidants, which protect your skin from the damaging effects of free radicals, otherwise known as the culprit behind many skin issues such as wrinkles and age spots.

It Can Repair Your Skin Barrier

As you get older, the protective barrier of your skin starts to break down, leading to various different skin issues. Luckily, cocoa butter has properties that can help repair your skin barrier, making it one of the best ingredients for your face cream. Not only does it prevent your skin from drying out, but it also prevents your skin from going into an overproduction phase, which usually happens as a result of an unhealthy skin barrier.

When you use a face cream with cocoa butter, it can increase the amount of ceramide in your skin, which is an important chemical responsible for keeping your skin hydrated and healthy.

Our Mineral Sunscreen contains cocoa butter and is completely natural and healthy for your skin.

It Contains Important Antioxidants

Antioxidants are essential for the health and longevity of your skin, so it’s important to make sure your skincare products have plenty of them. One way to do this is by adding cocoa butter to your face cream.

Cocoa butter is one of the highest sources of antioxidants found in any food product, making it an excellent choice for your skin care regimen. Antioxidants help your skin fight free radicals, harmful molecules that are produced as a result of everyday activities such as going outside and being exposed to sunlight. Free radicals can cause your skin to age faster, so it is important to fight against them. One way to do this is by adding antioxidants, such as those found in cocoa butter, to your skincare products.

Our mineral sunscreen contains cocoa butter and is completely natural and healthy for your skin:


Cocoa butter is an incredibly beneficial ingredient that you'll find in our mineral sunscreen. It can make your skin soft and smooth, help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and repair your skin barrier. It also contains important antioxidants that help your skin fight against free radicals that can cause aging. Overall, cocoa butter is a wonderful skincare ingredient that should be added to your face cream if you want healthy, glowing skin.

Profile Image Jeanette @ Claribelskincare.com

Jeanette @ Claribelskincare.com

I'm a formulator and skin care expert, wife, parent, and fur baby mom. I specialize in active ingredient research and studies, and share that information with you via our blog and products. Please reach out anytime you have questions!

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