How to Get Rid of Wrinkles on Lips

how to get rid of wrinkles on lips

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles on Lips

One sign of aging that we might dread the most is wrinkles on lips and around the mouth. While we might get by with suggesting that our eyes might have “laugh lines”, there is no clever and enduring term for lips that are showing wrinkles.

With some specific steps, you really can reduce these lines and wrinkles on lips and around the mouth area. Our experts take on all of your most common questions to help you on the right track to reducing this pesky sign of aging:

  • What Causes Wrinkles Around Lips?
  • What Ingredients Help Reduce Wrinkles on Lips?
  • What Actions or Procedures Help Reduce Wrinkles on Lips?

Our Natural Lip Exfoliator contains many of the active ingredients you’ll want to help you get rid of wrinkles on lips and around your mouth.

What Causes Wrinkles Around Lips?

THINNING SKIN. As we age, skin doesn’t rejuvenate as well as it used to. Reducing the damage with anti aging skin actives while protecting the skin with antioxidants and sunscreen will give you the tools you need to keep skin around lips healthy and plumper.

REDUCED COLLAGEN PRODUCTION. Our bodies slow down the production of collagen around 25 years old and continues to decline as the years go on. The great news is that there are proven active ingredients that are plant derived, that can help increase the production of collagen. Incorporating those ingredients and products into your routine is going to be the key to warding off and getting rid of wrinkles on the lips and around the mouth.

LOSS OF ELASTIN. Elastin is a protein within the skin that allows the skin to stretch, while holding the connective tissue together. As with collagen the elastin our bodies produce and maintain starts to diminish. As with collagen, there are active ingredients to help maintain this protein to perform optimally and keep this skin around the mouth healthier.

SUN DAMAGE. Sun damage has a way of sneaking up on us, even when we’re only in the sun for a few minutes a day over a period of time. There are products and techniques to reduce sun damage, and it’s never too late to start wearing a mineral sunscreen.

What Ingredients Help Get Rid of Wrinkles on Lips?

There are some active ingredients that are fantastic for reducing wrinkles on lips and around mouth. Here are several we highly recommend:

Vitamin C: Known to prevent aging of the skin and also to repair damage. Studies show that individuals who used vitamin c in their skin care experienced an 80% improvement in prevention and repair of existing damage.

RETINOL. Increases collagen production. Retinol is vitamin A which is a natural ingredient, not to be confused with the prescription drug Retin-A. Retinol has been proven to be effective in anti aging of skin care.

ALPHA HYDROXY ACID (AHA): Alpha hydroxy acids can greatly benefit the skin by exfoliating layers of the skin to remove hyperpigmentation, the signs of aging, and helps keep pores unclogged which can lead to less breakouts and clearer skin.

COENZYME Q10: Also known as ubiquinone, is plant derived and excellent for encouraging significant collagen production.

PEPTIDES: Peptides can help synthesize new collagen and help skin fight the signs of aging. When products with peptides are applied to the skin, it causes skin cells to build collagen and elastin, which is something that slows down as we age.

NIACINAMIDE: Improves skin color, decreases inflammation, improves blotchiness, and can lighten skin per the National Library of Medicine.

LICORICE ROOT EXTRACT: Has been used as an Aryuvedic remedy, is a strong antioxidant, and aids in lightening, toning, firming, and cellulite reduction.

HYALURONIC ACID: Has the incredible ability to hydrate and repair skin. Hyaluronic Acid can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, help skin retain moisture, and create a plumping effect. When the skin is properly hydrated, increased skin cell production can occur, since the skin isn't spending it's energy on fighting dehydration.

VITAMIN E: Protects the skin membrane and can prevent the signs aging, an anti-inflammatory agent in the skin, as several studies have supported its prevention of inflammatory damage after UV exposure.

GREEN TEA EXTRACT: Can decrease the risk of skin cancer and alleviates water retention in skin. Great for firming and toning. Anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

GOTU KOLA: Considered one of the strongest rejuvenating herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It is well known for collagen stimulation and healing.

MUSHROOM EXTRACT: Studies show that mushroom extract increased cell turnover significantly, improved hydration levels, increased firmness, and fine lines were reduced as well.

Our Natural Lip Exfoliator contains many of the active ingredients you’ll want to help you get rid of wrinkles on lips and around your mouth.

What Actions or Procedures Help Reduce Wrinkles on Lips?

EXFOLIATE LIPS AND AREA AROUND MOUTH ON A REGUAR BASIS. Exfoliating the skin around this lips can give an immediate smoother appearance, and if done over time, the benefits can be accumulative in warding off the wrinkles on lips and around the mouth.

DILIGENTLY WEAR SUN PROTECTION. If there was ever a time to make sure you wear sun protection consistently, it is typically when we are trying to avoid the signs of aging. Try to also find lip care products that include sun protection, to help increase your protection ratio.

CHANGE UP YOUR SKIN CARE ROUTINE. Incorporating a lip scrub into your weekly routine is a great plan. Many facial scrubs can do double duty for not just the facial skin but also the lip area. If you’d like to find a lip specific scrub that includes some active ingredients meant to help smooth the lip area, our organic lip scrub is a great choice.

AVOID USING A STRAW OR SMOKING. The action of sucking on a straw, a cigarette, or a vaping device causes you to use your mouth in a way that is only going to accentuate the lines on and around your lips.

REDUCE CAFFEINE AND ALCOHOL INTAKE. While we realize this isn’t a fun suggestion, it makes a big difference to eliminate or greatly reduce these things due to their ability to dehydrate your skin and body and cause a depletion of nutrients.

Our Natural Lip Exfoliator contains many of the active ingredients you’ll want to help you get rid of wrinkles on lips and around your mouth:


We hope these tips and recommendations on how to get rid of wrinkles on lips and around the mouth will be helpful to you. With the right actions and steps, you’ll see improvement in no time. Questions? Feel free to contact us at anytime: or click the chat button in the bottom corner.

Profile Image Jeanette @

Jeanette @

I'm a formulator and skin care expert, wife, parent, and fur baby mom. I specialize in active ingredient research and studies, and share that information with you via our blog and products. Please reach out anytime you have questions!

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