Is Mineral Sunscreen Better? What Does Mineral Sunscreen Mean?

Is Mineral Sunscreen Better? What Does Mineral Sunscreen Mean?

What Does Mineral Sunscreen Mean?

In this blog post, we answer the questions "What does mineral sunscreen mean?"  and "Is mineral sunscreen better than standard sunscreen?"  There can be some confusion so let's clear that up.

When you hear the word sunscreen, you probably think of the conventional options that are in most stores. But in today’s world, there are better, healthier options - without chemicals and synthetics.  

Mineral sunscreen works by neutralizing or absorbing ultraviolet (UV) light. This allows people wearing UV protection to be exposed to less UV light and so protect their skin as well as extend their time in the sun or get more hours outdoors before seeking shelter. But not all mineral sunscreens are created equal.

Is Mineral Sunscreen Better? What Does Mineral Sunscreen Mean?

Our Anti Aging Day Cream & Mineral Sunscreen SPF 25 contains a long list of desirable vegan and cruelty free ingredients to not only naturally protect your skin but also hydrate and rejuvenate.

What is a Mineral Sunscreen?

Mineral sunscreens do not contain chemicals, which can be dangerous and unhealthy. They also typically don’t cause allergic reactions in most people. This makes them an ideal substitute for people with allergies to certain ingredients or who simply prefer to avoid certain chemicals in their skincare products.

Mineral sunscreens have been used for hundreds of years.

Ancient Egyptians used crushed minerals such as basalt, which is found under the Sahara desert, to protect their skin from the harsh rays of the sun. And in the early 1900s, people began to see the health benefits of mineral sunscreens. They were once considered to be more effective and safe than chemical sunscreens. However, as our understanding of the sun’s harmful effects has grown over the years, the standards of mineral sunscreens have also been updated.

It's well noted that mineral sunscreens are going to be a healthier and very effective alternative to chemical laden sunscreens.

When to Use a Mineral Sunscreen

Mineral sunscreens are effective when used as the only type of sunscreen during the summer months when UV levels are high and the sun is out for long hours. 

You can also make your skin care routine easier by using a moisturizer and mineral sunscreen combination year-round to continue to protect yourself, not just when you intend to be outside.

Surprisingly, minerals can be very soothing and healing to the skin, especially if you suffer from skin ailments and breakouts. If you are going to be spending a lot of time in the sun during the winter months when UV levels are low, it is also a good idea to pack a bottle of mineral sunscreen to use as a moisturizer on days when the air feels drier than usual.

Physical filters like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the most reliable type of mineral sunscreen ingredients and are used in most mineral sunscreens. These minerals absorb and reflect UV light and then negatively charged electrons are released, which causes the light to be scattered, blocking it from reaching the skin.

Physical filters like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the oldest type of mineral sunscreen ingredients and are still used in most mineral sunscreens. These minerals absorb UV light and then negatively charged electrons are released, which causes the light to be scattered, blocking it from reaching the skin.

But gone are the days when a zinc sunscreen would leave a white opaque film on your skin.  Our is formulated to be clear and much more appealing.

Is Mineral Sunscreen Better? What Does Mineral Sunscreen Mean?

Our Anti Aging Day Cream & Mineral Sunscreen SPF 25 contains a long list of desirable vegan and cruelty free ingredients to not only naturally protect your skin but also hydrate and rejuvenate.

How does a Mineral Sunscreen Work?

Mineral sunscreens work in a few different ways to protect your skin from UV rays. First, they contain solid mineral matter, so they literally block out more light than chemical sunscreens, acting as a shield. They are a “barrier” to prevent the sun’s rays from entering the skin.

Key Differences Between Mineral and Chemical Sunscreens

Mineral sunscreens can be slightly more expensive than chemical sunscreens, but they are worth it in the long run. They are much more effective at blocking harmful UV rays and much less likely to cause skin irritation. Most important of all, they do not contain any harmful chemicals that can potentially harm your health.

While all mineral sunscreens are a type of physical filter, the two most popular types of organic mineral filters are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These are what make traditional mineral sunscreens work just as well as chemical ones.

Properly formulated, mineral sunscreen will be almost clear and as easy to work with as any other kind of sunscreen when applying cosmetics – and in some cases – a much nicer, smoother, less greasy or slippery foundation compared to chemical sunscreens.

Chemical sunscreens are broken down into smaller and more easily absorbed molecules when they are absorbed into the skin. This allows them to protect the skin from more harmful UV rays. This in and of itself is potentially dangerous, since the absorption of these chemicals can be damaging especially if used over time.

Which Type of Mineral Sunscreen is Best for You?

Physical filters

Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the most effective physical filters and are more common in mineral sunscreens. They are also considered to be more natural than other types of mineral filters.

Organic filters

Organic filters offer additional sun protection, like raspberry seed oil, carrot seed / carrot oil, coconut oil, wheat germ oil, olive oil, tomato seed oil, and sesame oil are the most popular type of organic sunscreen ingredients and have the highest SPF when combined. Depending on which ingredients are combined, they can offer from 8-50 SPF protection.

They are safer for your health than chemical sunscreens and still offer the same amount of UVB and UVA protection as chemical filters.

If you want a mineral sunscreen that uses the physical filter titanium dioxide or the organic filter avobenzone, we recommend selecting a mineral sunscreen that also uses a physical filter like zinc oxide.

Our Anti Aging Day Cream & Mineral Sunscreen SPF 25 contains a long list of desirable vegan and cruelty free ingredients to not only naturally protect your skin but also hydrate and rejuvenate:

what does mineral sunscreen mean / is mineral sunscreen better


While physical filters like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the oldest type of sunscreen ingredients, they are also the least effective at protecting the skin from harmful UV rays. There are a variety of mineral sunscreens available on the market, and one type may not be right for you depending on your skin type and preferences. We recommend trying out different types to find the one that works best for you.

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