Alpha Lipoic Acid for Skin Care ৹ 6 Dramatic Benefits

alpha lipoic acid for skin care / ala for skin

Alpha Lipoic Acid for Skin Care ৹ 6 Dramatic Benefits

The benefits of alpha lipoic for skin care are so abundant and impressive, you'll not want to miss out including this special ingredient in your skin care routine.

Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant found in every cell in the body as well as in some foods.

Also known as ALA, it can be found naturally in carrots, beets, spinach, broccoli, peas, tomato, and Brussel sprouts. It’s soluble in both water and oil — meaning it can enter all parts of the cell, which is part of what makes it so powerful. This makes ALA for skin an excellent choice for topical use, as it has the ability to penetrate the skin's surface and the skin cell membrane.

When you apply ALA for skin in topical formulations, you can deliver therapeutic amounts to help increase energy for proper cellular metabolism, which is necessary for cellular repair.

Our Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Cream includes ALA for skin along with an impressive list of skin nurturing ingredients to help naturally renew and regenerate.

alpha lipoic acid for skin care

Important Facts About Alpha Lipoic Acid for Skin Care

  1. ALA is 400 times stronger of an antioxidant than Vitamin C or Vitamin E. That is an amazing statistic! One that we all can benefit from when it comes to our skin care routine - and also when it comes to our internal health.
  1. When you incorporate foods with alpha lipoic acid into your diet, the antioxidant power will help you with so many things: inflammation, anti aging, and giving our organs the ability to renew themselves more productively.
  1. ALA is safe for sensitive skin.
  1. If you’re using a strong percentage of alpha lipoic acid, your skin might go through a “purging” period, ridding itself of excess sebum, bacteria, and dirt.
  1. Your body naturally makes alpha lipoic acid, so it is no stranger to it.
  1. Medical studies show that including ALA in your skin care can have a cumulative, positive effect, reversing skin damage significantly with people who had skin damage from smoking (and if it helps them it can help all of us).
  1. When consumed in food and supplements, alpha lipoic acid has many other health benefits and wide ranging (just like with skin care). It has been proved to help with cancer, cardiovascular disease, migraines, multiple sclerosis, and weight loss.

How Alpha Lipoic Acid Works When Included in Your Skin Care Routine

When you apply ALA to skin, it can deliver amounts of it's nutrients to help increase energy for proper cellular metabolism, which is desperately needed by cells for their cellular repair.

Alpha lipoic acid can also decrease under eye circles, swelling, inflammation, and puffiness. Its anti-inflammatory effects will also reduce redness and blotchiness, resulting in a more even skin tone - a great bit of news for those with rosacea or other skin issues that create redness and inflammation.

As it those benefits were not enough, ALA can also help shrink pore size and improve skin tone and create a more radiant look. It regulates production of nitric oxide, which controls blood flow to the skin, allowing the skin to receive more oxygen and thus transforming the complexion from dull, pasty and pale to vibrant and brightened.

Alpha lipoic acid is sometimes referred to as the “universal antioxidant" because it has the power to protect both cell membranes and the inside of cells against oxidative damage. Vitamin E is only effective at protecting cell membranes and other lipid-soluble structures from oxidative damage, and vitamin C only works well in a non-lipid environment. Alpha lipoic acid works well in both of these areas.

Impressive Alpha Lipoic Acid for Skin Care Medical Studies

The most recent medical studies that have been conducted do show that ALA for skin has many benefits when applied topically, which includes reducing dark circles, puffiness, swelling, wrinkles (as it is an anti-inflammatory), blotchiness, minimizes pore size, regulates the production of oil from oil glands, and promote a more even skin tone by gradually fading sun damage.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information has conducted clinical studies proving that it this powerful antioxidant can eliminate the skins imperfections. The study also indicated that with continued use of alpha lipoic acid, the overall quality of the skin was greatly improved.

Our Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Cream includes ALA for skin along with an impressive list of skin nurturing ingredients to help naturally renew and regenerate.

alpha lipoic acid for skin care

6 Beauty Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid for Skin

1: It will soothe skin and calm down inflammation, which is great new for everyone and makes it a perfect choice for sensitive skin. Sometimes other ingredients can take some getting used to - like Retinol or Glycolic Acid - but not ALA. It is a great fit for everyone!

2: It will slow the progression of wrinkles and can reverse existing lines. This is great news for everyone who is looking to improve the appearance of their skin naturally.

3: It will help reduce pore size. Smaller pores will mean more radiant, smoother looking skin.

4: It will reduce scars and erase pink and brown marks after acne. This is great news for those of us who show the residual affects of previous breakouts and scarring discoloration.

5: It will improve skin texture and make skin softer. Alpha Lipoic Acid has some extraordinary exfoliating benefits that will smooth skin and greatly improve the texture.

6: It will treat under eye circles and reduce them significantly. It will help brighten skin and repair discoloration.

With its significant antioxidant properties, it’s not surprising at all that alpha lipoic acid for skin care has been a focus with all of it's benefits.  ALA for skin is a game changer.

While alpha lipoic acid has impressive skin care benefits, studies have looked at its ability to ward off certain diseases and slow down the aging process. Used as a supplement, research suggests it is beneficial for preventing or treating diabetic nerve damage, glaucoma, heart disease, stroke and some types of degenerative brain diseases.

Our Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Cream includes ALA for skin along with an impressive list of skin nurturing ingredients to help naturally renew and regenerate:


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Jeanette @

I'm a formulator and skin care expert, wife, parent, and fur baby mom. I specialize in active ingredient research and studies, and share that information with you via our blog and products. Please reach out anytime you have questions!

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